Do you have ambition? Good! At Dockwize, the only thing we love more than ambition is realising it. That is why it is important to check whether your business is ready to grow. Do you have a well-developed business model? Are you the right person to facilitate the growth of your business? What steps will you have to take if your business has ten times as many clients in a year's time? In this part of Your Programme, we will discuss the following topics (all of which are fully tailored to your unique situation).

The nine elements of a successful business model

Your business model consists of nine elements that together reveal how you can be of service to your clients. The way you earn revenue, how your business creates, delivers and retains value. This allows you to answer the following questions: do you have the people and assets necessary to perform your core activities? Can you realise your value proposition? Are your marketing and distribution channels in line with your target group?

Scaling: get a glimpse of the future of your business

Can you imagine what would happen to your business if it got fifty times as large over the course of five years? Would you still do things as you do them now? Would your business operations still be effective or would you have to make some major changes? It might seem far off right now, but this is the right time to start thinking about the changes you may have to make in the future.

Organisational development: how to choose the right person to fill a new position

Once you begin to concretise your vision for the future and your ambition, you will quickly see where you will need help. No matter how good of an entrepreneur you are, you cannot do everything by yourself. What role will you play in your business with your qualities, experience and blind spots? For what positions will you need to find new employees? What qualities must they possess to contribute to the success of your business?

In this part of Your Programme, you will focus on developing your business model and you will have...

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